Holidays at 赌钱app可以微信提现
1. Number of Holidays
The College will grant full-time regular, part-time regular and part-time exempt employees whose positions are not included within the bargaining unit no less than fourteen (14) paid holidays per year.
2. Holiday Work Schedule
An employee will not normally be expected to work on holidays. A full-time regular employee shall receive holiday time at their regular rate of pay; a part-time exempt employee shall receive holiday pay based upon their scheduled work-week; and a part-time regular employee shall receive four (4) hours of holiday time at their regular rate of pay, except for any employee who is absent from the College on leave such as extraordinary leave, short-term disability, etc. Any full-time regular or part-time regular or exempt employee retiring during a holiday period, that:
shall receive their holiday rate of pay up to their termination or retirement date.
A. A full-time regular hourly employee may be required to work on a holiday. In those cases when a full-time regular hourly employee is required to work on a holiday, such work must be approved and authorized by the employee’s immediate supervisor prior to the holiday. The College, at its discretion, may either designate an alternate day as a paid holiday or pay the employee at his/her regular rate of pay and depending upon the total number of hours physically worked over the course of the work week plus the holiday hours, may receive overtime pay consistent with the College's overtime policies. If the College designates an alternate day as a paid holiday, such day shall be at the College’s choosing and normally will be scheduled within three (3) months from the date of the holiday.
B. A full-time regular salaried or part-time exempt employee may be required to work on a holiday.
In those cases when such an employee is required to work on a holiday, such work must be approved and authorized by the appropriate executive vice president, vice president or chief information officer prior to the holiday. The College shall designate an alternate day of its’ choosing as a paid holiday, and such day normally will be scheduled within three (3) months from the date of the holiday. A full-time regular salaried or part-time exempt employee shall not be entitled to an alternate holiday if he/she works on a holiday without appropriate prior approval.
C. A part-time regular hourly employee may be required to work on a holiday. In those cases when a part-time regular hourly employee is required to work on a holiday, such work must be approved and authorized by the employee’s immediate supervisor, prior to the holiday. The College, at its discretion may designate an alternate day as a paid holiday or pay the employee at his/her regular rate of pay and depending on the total hours physically worked over the course of the work week plus the holiday hours, may receive overtime pay according to the College’s overtime policy. If the College designates an alternate day as a paid holiday, such day shall be at the College’s choosing and normally will be schedule within three (3) months of the date of the holiday.
3. Floating Holidays
In designated fiscal years, the College may permit a full-time regular employee to schedule an additional day as a floating holiday. Floating holidays will be non-cumulative and separating employees shall not be reimbursed for floating holidays not taken. The employee must schedule any floating holidays with their appropriate supervisor prior to being taken.
4. Holiday Calendar
The College shall make available to each employee a calendar of fixed and designated holidays for the fiscal year, July 1 through June 30.
Holidays for eligible full-time members of the bargaining unit are detailed in the Master Agreement (PDF) between The Johnson County Community College Board of Trustees and The Johnson County Community College Faculty Association.
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